道路拥挤不堪?行人容易受伤?人工智能来帮忙。英国经济重镇米尔顿凯恩斯宣布了一项300万英镑的智能交通灯安装计划,有望从9月开始安装。智能... [查看全文]
Sir Mick Jagger embodies what one writer has called paleo-fatherhood, or the trend of becoming a dad in later l... [查看全文]
Google is turning to its prowess in artificial intelligence in its latest charm offensive in China, seeking to a... [查看全文]
你有多久没睡美容觉了?瑞典一项研究显示,美容觉的确有作用,睡得好确实能让人看上去更有吸引力,睡不好则会让你的形象减分。2017年3月21日... [查看全文]
最新研究发现,母乳是一种天然的抗癌良药。瑞典研究人员在母乳中发现一种能够杀死癌细胞的物质。经过治疗的膀胱癌患者能够将死亡的癌细胞通... [查看全文]
日前美国科学家宣布成功生产出造血干细胞,未来有望利用人体细胞无限造血,可能不再需要献血者了。Blood donors may no longer be ne... [查看全文]
近年来,智能语音助手的迅速发展给人们的生活带了诸多便利。随着苹果、谷歌、亚马逊等互联网巨头相继推出自己的语音识别助手,一场智能语音... [查看全文]
Nearly 40 years after the world was jolted by the birth of the first test-tube baby, a new revolution in repro... [查看全文]
When Nuno Sebastião enrolled on the London Business School MBA programme, he looked beyond the traditional ... [查看全文]
A lot of big claims are made about the transformative power of artificial intelligence. But it is worth listenin... [查看全文]