通过活组织检测诊断癌症的方法十分痛苦且存在风险。近日,加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校的研究人员发现,被癌症杀死的正常细胞会将DNA释放到... [查看全文]
NEW technology has been unveiled in South Korea that lets you immortalise your deceased loved ones via your smar... [查看全文]
近日,《科学》杂志在线报道称,剑桥大学的科学家们通过使用两种干细胞以及一个三维支架,成功地创造出了一个能够自行组装的结构,其发育和... [查看全文]
The world’s best-known robots are at risk of spying on their users, revealing trade secrets or even being ... [查看全文]
Few consumers had even heard of Huawei in 2011, the year in which its board decided to focus on breaking into... [查看全文]
Alibaba provoked an Amazon-style ripple of interest from investors when it reported its quarterly numbers: revenues... [查看全文]
Barcelona in late February is a hunting ground for pickpockets, for it is there that members of the telecoms in... [查看全文]
Robert Xu took a hammer to his laptop three years ago and a few months later was bashing a data server like ... [查看全文]
China’s Xiaomi has become the world’s fourth smartphone maker to design its own processor, revealing it... [查看全文]
This month, the European Parliament voted in favour of a resolution to create a new ethical-legal framework for ... [查看全文]