When Beijing shut its last coal-fired power station this month, state media trumpeted the smog-plagued city as Ch... [查看全文]
When the investor Marc Andreessen wrote in 2011 that software is eating the world, his point was a contentious ... [查看全文]
As an experiment, Tunde Olanrewaju messed around one day with the Wikipedia entry of his employer, McKinsey. He ... [查看全文]
工作在格子间的我们总是弯腰驼背看电脑、看手机,自己又察觉不到,或者犯懒干脆选择无视。今天就给大家介绍一款可爱的机械猫耳,活泼俏皮又... [查看全文]
Can’t decide between an iPhone or Android for your next device? Want to get both at the same time but do... [查看全文]
When George Orwell envisioned the telescreen — the TV that keeps constant tabs on its viewers — in 1984, he ... [查看全文]
Vitamin B could help mitigate the effects of the most dangerous type of air pollution, according to a new study... [查看全文]
Feeding knowledge directly into your brain, just like in sci-fi classic The Matrix, could soon take as much effo... [查看全文]
Journalists covering the annual sessions of China's national legislature and top political advisory body are at... [查看全文]
据路透社报道,随着谷歌助理上周开始大范围登陆安卓设备,语音助手行业的竞争进入白热化。现在,苹果、亚马逊、微软以及谷歌都在提供能够接... [查看全文]