Reef-building coral exhibiting ‘disaster traits’ similar to last major extinction event造礁珊瑚显示出与上次... [查看全文]
Sea turtles love the smell of dirty plastic海龟喜欢闻脏塑料的味道Previously, it was thought the turtles were attract... [查看全文]
Red lettuce grown in space is ‘safe’ and delicious, NASA study says美国宇航局研究称,在太空中种植的红莴苣安... [查看全文]
Unborn Baby Sharks Will Swim Between Uteruses to Devour Their Brethren未出生的幼鲨会在子宫之间游动,吞食兄弟姐妹As maca... [查看全文]
Report Finds 76 Solutions Available Right Now to Slow Down Climate Change报告发现,目前有76种解决方案可以减缓气候变化We... [查看全文]
Scientists find bacteria species related to chlamydia below Arctic Ocean科学家在北冰洋发现了与衣原体相关的细菌种类Researc... [查看全文]
A few years ago, Mercedes Carnethon, a diabetes researcher at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern Uni... [查看全文]
For many people, the real joy of the holiday season comes from shopping, whether it’s getting to the store... [查看全文]
NASA releases stunning 1.8-billion-pixel photo of Mars美国航天局发布令人惊叹的18亿像素火星照片This panorama of the Marti... [查看全文]
Scientists think they’ve finally figured out dark matter科学家们终于找到了暗物质When astronomers gaze into space... [查看全文]