The First Known Animal That Doesn't Need To Breathe Has Been Found Inside Salmon第一个不需要呼吸的动物在鲑鱼体内... [查看全文]
A study at the University of Exeter in January 2020 found that squirrels that strongly favored a paw – wh... [查看全文]
Astronomers Have Detected Molecular Oxygen in Another Galaxy For The First Time天文学家首次在另一个星系中发现了分子氧In... [查看全文]
A worrying new study has warned that drinking dairy milk can increase your risk of breast cancer by up to 80%.... [查看全文]
In 2013, a scientific paper was published that would become the seed for thousands of viral news stories and so... [查看全文]
Scientists May Have Found A Way To Boost The Body’s Ability To Heal Itself科学家们可能已经找到了一种提高身体自... [查看全文]
Curious Fossil Discovery Points to Dog Domestication as Early as 28,500 Years Ago奇怪的化石发现表明,早在28500年前狗就... [查看全文]
A Short Meditation Could Help With Pain Management Even if You've Never Tried It Before即使你以前从未尝试过,一... [查看全文]
I don’t think it will be the humans. I think we’ll go quite early on, says Julie Gray with a laugh... [查看全文]
Betelgeuse Has Stopped Dimming And Is Brightening Up Again参宿四已经停止变暗,并再次变亮After months of progressive di... [查看全文]