SpaceX will officially be sending humans into spaceSpaceX将正式将人类送入太空Well, it all comes down to this. NASA ... [查看全文]
Scientists program locusts to sniff out bombs, explosives科学家让蝗虫嗅出炸弹和爆炸物Could cyborg locusts be the bomb-... [查看全文]
Could hackers turn satellites into weapons?黑客能把卫星变成武器吗?Hackers could shut down satellites and potentially t... [查看全文]
Supercomputer to scan ‘entire sky’ for signs of aliens超级计算机扫描整个天空,以寻找外星人的迹象Scientists ar... [查看全文]
Getting rid of airplane contrails could help save the planet摆脱飞机尾迹可以帮助拯救地球When it comes to vehicles th... [查看全文]
ISS astronauts getting delivery of cheese, skittles国际空间站的宇航员们得到了奶酪和彩虹糖A cargo ship rocketed toward t... [查看全文]
UN says it will take months to verify high temp records in Antarctica联合国表示,核查南极洲的高温记录将需要数月时间Rec... [查看全文]
Nobody knows what’s going on with nearby supergiant star Betelgeuse没有人知道附近的超级巨星参宿四发生了什么One of... [查看全文]
Cancer seen in humans also found in 66-million-year-old dinosaur fossil在6600万年前的恐龙化石中也发现了癌症A type of c... [查看全文]
NASA reveals surreal photo of Earth from 4 billion miles awayNASA揭示了40亿英里外的地球超现实照片The famous Pale Blue... [查看全文]