People admit to getting into a lot of arguments because they’re ‘hangry’人们会因为饿而吵得不可开交Do... [查看全文]
Voyager 2 Overcomes Glitch And Is Back Gathering Science Data In Interstellar Space旅行者2号克服了故障,返回星际空间收... [查看全文]
Supermassive Black Holes All Dine In The Same Way But Change Their Mood Lighting超大质量黑洞都以同样的方式进食,但改... [查看全文]
The Solar Orbiter Is On Its Way To The Sun太阳轨道飞行器正在飞往太阳的途中In the late hours of Sunday (US time), ... [查看全文]
The Light Of Dying Stars Can Pulverize Asteroids垂死的恒星发出的光可以粉碎小行星Even stars that don’t end their... [查看全文]
New Atom Study Is A First For Lunar Samples新的原子研究是首次对月球样本进行研究Lunar samples collected by Apollo miss... [查看全文]
Chinese Scientists Just Entangled Quantum Memories Over 50 km中国科学家刚刚将量子记忆纠缠了50多公里Scientists have manag... [查看全文]
The 'Ghost' of an Unknown Extinct Human Has Been Found in DNA of Modern West Africans在现代西非人的DNA中,... [查看全文]
Wanted: The next generation of astronauts to walk on the Moon and journey to Mars招聘:下一代在月球漫步和火星之旅的宇... [查看全文]
UK Scientists Have Started Testing a New Coronavirus Vaccine on Mice英国科学家已经开始在老鼠身上测试一种新的冠状病毒疫苗... [查看全文]