After 40 Years of Hunting, Scientists Identify a Key Flaw in Solar Panel Efficiency经过40年的探索,科学家发现了太阳能... [查看全文]
New Way to Generate Electricity From Rain Can Power 100 LED Bulbs Per Drop一种利用雨水发电的新方法,每滴可以为100个LE... [查看全文]
‘Broken heart’ syndrome linked to cancer, brain’s reaction to stress心碎综合症与癌症、大脑对压力的反应... [查看全文]
These upside-down jellyfish can sting you with venom-filled ‘snot bombs’这些倒置的水母会用充满毒液的鼻涕弹蜇... [查看全文]
Early Infections Don't Seem to Prevent Allergies - But Getting Dirty in Nature Might早期感染似乎不能预防过敏——... [查看全文]
I spy with my digital eye ... a tiger's breathing, a lion's pulse用数码相机来监测老虎的呼吸、狮子的脉搏A pilo... [查看全文]
Tofu is harming the planet more than meat: researchers研究人员:豆腐对地球的危害比肉还大Soy meat substitutes such as t... [查看全文]
‘Baby giant planet’ discovered just 330 light-years from Earth在距地球330光年的地方发现小巨人行星It might no... [查看全文]
Earth could lose third of all animal and plant species in our lifetimes, scientists warn科学家警告说,在我们的有生之... [查看全文]
NASA says distant ‘space snowman’ has few craters, no waterNASA称,遥远的太空雪人几乎没有陨石坑,也没有水NASA... [查看全文]