Amazon rainforest could start emitting carbon instead of absorbing it亚马逊雨林可能会开始排放碳而不是吸收碳The amount o... [查看全文]
A study suggests that the Arctic "may be essentially ice-free during summer within 15 years."一项研究显示,北极在15... [查看全文]
Flash droughts: Why early-warning, mitigation techniques are needed突发性干旱:为什么需要预警和缓解技术A new study on f... [查看全文]
Students find new black hole using NASA asteroid probe data学生们利用美国宇航局小行星探测器的数据,发现了新的黑洞NASA&rsq... [查看全文]
NASA photo reveals mysterious hole in Mars ‘that may contain alien life’美国宇航局发现火星上有神秘洞,可能... [查看全文]
Dogs can detect heat with ‘infrared sensor’ in their nose, research finds研究发现,狗鼻子里的红外传感器可以... [查看全文]
Researchers hope to trial low-cost face masks that can detect whether someone has infectious coronavirus before th... [查看全文]
Scientists caught a deep-sea sponge ‘sneezing’ on camera科学家拍到深海海绵打喷嚏You probably don’t thi... [查看全文]
Earth may have been a waterworld 3.2 billion years ago地球在32亿年前可能是一个水世界In its early years, Earth may h... [查看全文]
Scientists claim they’ve discovered the first extraterrestrial protein科学家发现了第一种外星蛋白质Scientists say th... [查看全文]