51.对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue52.支持前/后种观点的人 people / those in favor of... [查看全文]
Reading can also be time-consuming if your speed is not as fast as you'd like it to be. An average rea... [查看全文]
写英语作文的时候,我们应该注意不要反复写同样的句型,或者反复使用差不多的结构,不然会影响文章的可读性,那么,怎样通过变换句式来... [查看全文]
我经常听说,那些说着英语长大,即英语母语者经常会犯五个语法上的错误。英语确实是一门难以掌握的语言。下面是针对英语母语者给出的5... [查看全文]
of和from都是英语中最常见的介词。它们使用的范围非常广,但也经常被混淆。下面的段落中解释了混淆的主要原因,并对of和from的用法进行了逐... [查看全文]
Some abbreviations are appropriate in academic writing, while others are not appropriate. Below you'll find a ... [查看全文]
Here we'll look at ten examples of compound confusables: words that mean one thing when written as a single... [查看全文]
答非所问拼音:dá fēi suǒ wèn解释:回答的不是所问的答案。出处:清·文康《儿女英雄传》:老爷正觉得他答非所问,程... [查看全文]
There are a few different definitions for dry and each of these definitions has synonyms that we will explore.对... [查看全文]
自小学起,我们就学习了Miss, Mr, Mrs这些称呼他人的方式,但是很多人会发现,在现实的语境中,称呼他人并不是一件易事。称呼往往会体现... [查看全文]