a white lie 善意的谎言;无恶意的小谎话 英英释义:A harmless or small lie, especially one that you tell to avoi... [查看全文]
比如哪天一个外国人要你做什么事,你回答,"I'll take care of it when I am free this afternoon." 结果到了晚上,你要是... [查看全文]
1 "OOO"表示out of office,没在办公室(度假)的意思 在邮件中,我们会经常收到对方的自定义设置“本人休假请勿打扰” 之类的... [查看全文]
1. I was joking. 我是说着玩的。 动词“joke”的意思是“开玩笑”。这里用过去进行时,强调刚才的话是开玩笑的,说着玩的。 ... [查看全文]
1 supermarket 在国外大部分超市都统称为supermarket,但是在美国却分得比较清晰,美国综超就称为supermarket。 在英汉辞典... [查看全文]
1“买菜”不是buy vegetable 为什么“买菜”不叫buy vegetable?如果单纯是买蔬菜,buy vegetable也是没有错的,但是你出去超市或... [查看全文]
A big fish in a small pond 'a big fish in a small pond'是指某个小圈子或小组里的杰出人物。 You should move... [查看全文]
1. What a dagger in the heart! 这话像匕首一样刺到了心里! 顾名思义,搭配“a dagger in the heart”或“a dagger t... [查看全文]
⒈apples and oranges 除了最简单的苹果和橘子,它还指什么呢? 在老外眼中,apples and oranges是一个常用习语,根据其英英释义to... [查看全文]
看医生之前你可能必须要预约,你可以说: "I would like to make an appointment to see the doctor." “我想预约去看医... [查看全文]