短语 “when one door closes, another one opens(当一扇门关上了,另一扇门就会打开)” 可以被用来描述当某人失去了一个机会,... [查看全文]
动词短语 “look on the bright side” 可以用来描述某人试图从一个消极的情况中看到积极的一面。这个短语多用来表达某人拥有积极乐... [查看全文]
表达 “everything's coming up roses” 可以用来形容某人的生活事事顺心,一切都在向好的方向发展。这个表达尤其适用于某人在经历了... [查看全文]
人们常用表达 “the future looks bright” 来表示 “对未来将要发生的事情持乐观的态度”。你也可以用 “one's future looks b... [查看全文]
如果你 “pin your hopes on something(把希望钉在某个东西上)”,这就意味着你一心指望这件事情会给你带来幸福或成功。人们使用这... [查看全文]
It sounds like something from the realms of science fiction – a space expedition into the vast expanse of spa... [查看全文]
When you've finished your studies at school and college, do you feel like a well-earned rest? If you're about ... [查看全文]
We know it's good to learn another language. It opens doors, makes you more employable, helps you make new fri... [查看全文]
Yawning is something we all do – maybe because we're bored carrying out tedious tasks or because we're tired.... [查看全文]
全国人大常委会近日表决通过了生物安全法。生物安全法明确,生物安全是国家安全的重要组成部分,维护生物安全应当贯彻总体国家安全观。 L... [查看全文]