Big dataed means being the target of big data, as doing a Google search for something and then being sent tar... [查看全文]
If someone makes a cold call, they telephone or visit someone they have never contacted, without making an appo... [查看全文]
A "man on the moon" is a person who is not an outcast but different from everyone else. A unique person, dif... [查看全文]
Workweek creep means: 1) Constant connectivity via your smartphone and computer blurs the boundaries between your... [查看全文]
Career veneer refers to the thin layer of potential for career advancement, increase in pay and future opportuni... [查看全文]
中央军委主席习近平日前签署命令,发布《军队军事职业教育条例(试行)》。《条例》围绕培养德才兼备的高素质、专业化新型军事人才,对于... [查看全文]
“井井有条”,汉语成语,意思是条理分明,丝毫不乱,“井井”表示田地规划得非常整齐,阡陌纵横,后引申为有条理。“井井有条”常用来形... [查看全文]
“一举两得”,汉语成语,意思是做一件事,能同时得到两方面的好处。与英文习语“ kill two birds with one stone”意思相似,表示... [查看全文]
“无依无靠”,汉语成语,形容孤苦而无所依靠(have no one to depend on/turn to),孤零零的样子。可以翻译为“be helpless”或... [查看全文]
小的时候,谁不爱“骑高高”呢?坐在爸爸宽厚的肩头,享受着“君临天下”的感觉。刚开始也许有点怕高,但很快上瘾有木有? “骑高高... [查看全文]