【翻译填空】 1. When they got off the plane,_________(外宾们收到了热烈欢迎) by the children. 2. ___________(因... [查看全文]
【翻译填空】 1. Right after leaving school he________(在当地超市申请了一份工作). 2. We have an important match... [查看全文]
【翻译填空】 1. We all find it so important that weshould__________(对此事马上做出决策). 2. It is politely r... [查看全文]
【翻译填空】 1. We have no need to do the work______________(既然没让我们做). 2. Many people don't seem... [查看全文]
【翻译填空】 1. What I can suggest is that he__________(花时间联系此技能). 2. The more I learn, ____________... [查看全文]
【翻译填空】 1. This new film is __________(比我上次看的那部有趣). 2. ________________(吉姆当选我们协会的主席) in... [查看全文]
英语四级新题型翻译训练第10练 【翻译填空】 1. On hearing this news, he was ___________________(气得说不出话). 2... [查看全文]
英语四级新题型翻译训练第9练 【翻译填空】 1. The more careful you are,____________(你越不大可能犯错误). 2. In ... [查看全文]
英语四级新题型翻译训练第8练 【翻译填空】 1. I prefer your method to his___________(因为我觉得你的更实际). 2. T... [查看全文]
英语四级新题型翻译训练第7练 【翻译填空】 1. At the meeting, I suggested the manager ___________(采用这项新技术).... [查看全文]