244 他成了什么样的人?原 文:(Greetings to your president.) What a mighty man he turns out to be! (He raped 10 w... [查看全文]
243 什么方向?原 文:He is very result-oriented.原 译:他对结果有很强的方向感。辨 析:不错,orient有“方向”的意思,但这不... [查看全文]
242 他是怎么样一个人?原 文:He is all flourishes, rococo gestures, and exquisite manners.原 译:他显得十分健壮,做着浮... [查看全文]
241 it到底指什么?原 文:He is intelligent enough to make any dream a reality but he needs to understand hard wo... [查看全文]
240 为什么要“摇腿”?原 文:Come on, shake a leg!原 译:嗨,摇摇腿!辨 析:叫人“摇摇腿”是什么意思?leg是一个常用词,在... [查看全文]
239 有人受到“打击”吗?原 文:The new toy aimed at children has been a surprise hit with adults.原 译:瞄准孩子的... [查看全文]
238 真的“方便”吗?原 文:Your article conveniently ignores the fact that he has never been there.原 译:你的文章很... [查看全文]
237 shirt和衬衫原 文:If he's not going to meet any particular person, how do you explain his white collar?原 译... [查看全文]
236 到底是什么样的人原 文:He is not a people person.原 译:他不属于某个人群。辨 析:原句讲的是2006年9月13 日在加拿大蒙... [查看全文]
235 饼干如何感到“舒服”?原 文:Biscuits, crackers, cookies, or candy are equally at home in this splendid crystal... [查看全文]