1 It would help if you could try to speak a little slower.请你尽量放慢说话速度。2 Could you please explain the p... [查看全文]
1 We must stress that these payment terms are very important to us.我们必须强调这些付款条件对我们很重要。2 Please be... [查看全文]
1 I would like to ask you a favor.我可以提出一个要求吗?2 Would you let me know your fax number?可以告诉我您的传真... [查看全文]
1 Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见。2 I would like to present our comments in the following order.我希望能依照以下的... [查看全文]
1 Your desire coincides with ours.我们双方的愿望都是一致的。2 No wonder you're so experienced.怪不得你这么有经验。3... [查看全文]
1 Is the production line fully automatic?生产线是全自动的吗?2 What kind of quality control do you have?你们用什么办... [查看全文]
1 We would be glad to start business with you.我们很高兴能与贵公司建立贸易往来。2 I'd appreciate your kind consi... [查看全文]
1 They describe how each process goes on to the next.表述着每道工艺间的衔接情况。2 We are running on two shifts.我... [查看全文]
1 If you have any questions on the details, feel free to ask.如果对某些细节有意见的话,请提出来。2 I can see you ... [查看全文]
1 Then we'd have some ideas of what you'll be needing.那么我们就会心中有点儿数,知道你们需要什么了。2 I can... [查看全文]