1.They introduced the new product in several test markets. 他们在试卖会中提倡新产品。 重点词语:introduce v.介绍,提出 商务用语:introduce a guest into the office 把客人领进办公室 introduce new technique 采用新技术 [查看全文]
1.It is advisable to insure your life against accident. 你最好给自己投保意外伤害险。 重点词语:insure v.①给保险,投保 ②确保 商务用语:insure sb.s property against fire 给某人财产保火险 insure against death 保 [查看全文]
1.A key word index is an enlargement to the book. 主题词索引是这本书的附录。 重点词语:index n.指数,索引 v.编入索引中,指出,做索引 商务用语:a price index 物价指数 average index 平均指标来源:www.ex [查看全文]
1.We are still gauging the impact of automation on the lives of factory workers. 我们仍然在估测自动化对工厂工人生活的影响。 重点词语:impact n.冲击,强烈影响冲突 商务用语:give an impact to对有巨大影响 eco [查看全文]
1. 如何随声附和? 可以说You're right. Right. Of course. Certainly. Quite right. Exactly. 2. 如何表达得更连贯顺畅? 注意句子衔接,得体使用过渡词,使逻辑更清楚易懂。 表递增可以用also, in addition, not only ---- but also, what's more. 表举例可以用for example, for instance 表同位可以用 that is , in other words 表列举可以用firs [查看全文]
1.Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation. 购买房子是防止通货膨胀的最佳保障。 重点词语:hedge n.①保护或防御的方法 ②套期保值 v.保护,防范;避开,回避 商务用语:buying hedge 买期保值,买 [查看全文]
1. The general manager had a hand in all the major decisions. 总经理对所有主要的决策都具有影响力。重点词语:hand n.掌管,协助,雇员 v.支持,交给 商务用语:hand out 管理,分配;随意分发,散布 hand i [查看全文]
1.There's a large variety of goods in the shops. 商店内有品种繁多的货物。 重点词语:goods n.货物 商务用语:goods of first/second order 直接/间接必需品 deliver the goods 交货 know one's goods 精通本行业务 A-class [查看全文]
1.The project was abandoned for want of funds. 这个计划因为缺少资金而作罢。 重点词语:fund n.①资金,基金 ②[pl.]钱,现款 v.支助,投资 商务用语:a fund of information 很多资料 a relief fund 救济基金来源: [查看全文]
1.The price of vegetables and fruits fluctuates according to the season. 蔬菜和水果的价格随季节而波动。 重点词语:fluctuate v.波动,涨落,起伏 商务用语:fluctuating prices 波动的价格 2.That's an interesting idea, [查看全文]