1.The low salary did not dispose him to accept the position. 菲薄的待遇使他不想接受这项工作。 重点词语:dispose v.处理(事务),安排,部署;(常与to连用)有倾向;有意于 商务用语:dispose property 处理 [查看全文]
1.He is one of the directors of the company. 他是这个公司的董事之一。www.Examda.CoM 重点词语:director n.主任,(团体)理事,(公司)董事 商务用语:dummy director 挂名董事 executive director 执行理事,常 [查看全文]
All supplies were sent to the depot to await shipment. 全部货物送到仓库等候装运。 重点词语:depot n.①仓库,保管处 ②航空站 商务用语:service depot 服务站,修理站 terminal depot (集装箱)终点货运站 o [查看全文]
1. Judgement in the law case has been deferred until the court meets again. 这宗诉讼推迟至下次开庭才判决。 重点词语:defer v.①延期,听从 ②使推迟,使延期 商务用语:deferred paying the bills 延迟付款 defer pa [查看全文]
1. After 30 days the debtor was warned that unless payment was made at once ,legal action would follow. 30天后债务人接到警告,除非立即偿债,否则对方将采取法律行动。 重点词语:debtor n.①债务人 ②借方 商务用语 [查看全文]
1. They sued for damages. 他们起诉要求赔偿损失。 重点词语:damage n.①损害,损失 ②[口]费用,代价,赔款 商务用语:costs and damages 诉讼费和损害费 local damage 局部损坏 loss/damage/delay of goods 货物的 [查看全文]
1. We must bring things to a crisis. 我们必须采取步骤促使事情达到决定阶段。 重点词语:crisis n. ①危机 ②转折点 商务用语:an economic crisis 经济危机 a financial crisis 金融危机 crisis of confidence 信任危机 [查看全文]
1. Their company has contracted a sign the amphibious bridge across the country. 他们公司已签约承建一座横跨大江的两用大桥。 重点词语:contract n.合同,契约 v.订约;承包 商务用语:draw up a contract 草拟合同 [查看全文]