1.Advertising is one of the biggest business in America. 广告业是美国最大的行业之一。 重点词语:advertising n.①广告业 ②做广告 adj.广告的,与广告有关的 商务用语:point-of-purchase advertising 零售商 [查看全文]
1.We must reduce the amount of time and money spent on administration. 我们必须减少用于行政管理的时间和金钱。 重点词语:administration n.(公司或商业活动的)行政管理 商务用语:under somebody's admi [查看全文]
1.The recession forced Fitzroy to sell some of his recent acquisitions. 经济衰退迫使菲茨罗伊出售部分最近收购的项目。 重点词语:acquisition n.①收购 ②被收购的公司或股份 商务用语:cross-border acq [查看全文]
1. The Accounts Department calculated losses accumulated over the past six months. 财务部计算了过去六个月的累积亏损。 重点词语:accumulate v.积累,累积 商务用语:accumulated dividends 累积股利 accumulated [查看全文]
1.The secretary made an abstract of a speech. 秘书将演说做成了摘要。 重点词语:abstract n.①概念,摘要 ②清单 v.摘要,节略 商务用语:transit abstract 中转货物摘录 abstract of posting 过账分类表 [查看全文]
1.My brother has never been abroad before,so he is finding this business trip very exciting. 我弟弟以前从未出过国,所以他觉得这次商业旅行十分令人兴奋。 重点词语:abroad adj.在国外的 adv. ①往国外 ②到 [查看全文]
1. We visited our clients in town. 我们去拜访了城里的客户。 重点词语:visit n. 拜访,访问 vt.拜访,访问,视察 vi.访问,参观 商务用语:visit the bank 去银行 the right of visit and search 登船及搜查 [查看全文]
1.The prices for food are subject to variation. 食品的价格可能变更。 重点词语:variation n.变更,变化 商务用语:variation from standard cost 与标准成本的差异 variation from standard method 标准差异法 va [查看全文]
1.My business is too urgent to waste time on apologies. 我的生意特别紧要,不能把时间浪费在道歉上。 重点词语:urgent adj.急迫的,紧急的 商务用语:urgent traffic 紧急运输 urgent service 加急业务 b [查看全文]
1.I can't undertake that you'll pass the exam. 我不能担保你能通过这次考试。 重点词语:undertake vt.承担,担任;许诺;从事;同意做某事 v.采取 商务用语:undertake fresh responsibility 担负起新的职 [查看全文]