1.All articles in the store are ticketed with the price. 店里所有物品都有标签标明价格。 重点词语:ticket n.票,入场卷 vt.加标签于 商务用语:a lottery ticket 彩票 ticket holder 持票人 withdrawal ticket 提 [查看全文]
1. There is a very high tariff on jewelry. 珠宝的税率很高。 重点词语:tariff n.关税,(旅馆,饭店等的)价目表 vt.课以关税 商务用语:tariff amendment 运价表订正单 reciprocal tariff 互惠税率 tari [查看全文]
1.When money is in short supply,many businesses fail. 银根吃紧时,许多企业会倒闭。 重点词语:supply n.供给,供应品 vt.供给,提供;代理 商务用语:supply advances 供给垫款 supply agent 供应代理商 [查看全文]
1.If you want to be a success in business you must be aggressive. 如果你想在生意上获得成功,你必须有点闯劲。 重点词语:success n.成就;发迹,兴旺 商务用语:have success (with) (在某事上)获得成 [查看全文]
1.In fact, stress isn't a bad thing it is often supposed to be. 事实上,压力并不像人们所认为的那样是一件坏事。 重点词语:stress n.重点 vt. 着重,强调 商务用语:to lay stress on sth. 着重某事 under [查看全文]
1.The success of the project stands on management's support of it. 这项工程的成功依赖于管理部门的支持。 重点词语:stand vi.测得数量;基于 vt.请客 n.庄家 商务用语:stand on one's rights 坚持某人的权 [查看全文]
1. A special visit from her daughter. 她女儿特地来探望她。 重点词语:special n.专车,专刊 adj.专门的,专用的 商务用语:special account 专用账户,特种账单 special agent 特别代理人 special appropr [查看全文]
1.Your short skirt is inappropriate for a formal party. 你穿这条短裙去参加正式晚会不合宜。 重点词语:skirt n.裙子;郊区 vi.绕行 商务用语:on the skirts of a city 在市郊 skirt around an awkward question 回 [查看全文]
1.His parents were simple people. 他父母很朴实。爱思英语(www.com) 重点词语:simple adj.简单的,无经验的;朴实的,朴素的 商务用语:simple arbitrage 单一仲裁 simple commodity economy 单纯商品经济 [查看全文]
1.I asked him to set a value on the pictures. 我请他对这些画估个价。 重点词语:set v.树立,规定 n.一套,一批;趋势 adj. 固定的;规定的 商务用语:set up 创立 set a value on 估价,评价 set bounds to 限 [查看全文]