背景 : 一家日化公司 launch 新产品之前,在门店 try out new products.1.a chain of chemists 日化连锁店 , toiletries (... [查看全文]
【情景对话】 A: I’m really ___①___ Larry! He’s the biggest airhead I’ve ever met. He always ma... [查看全文]
1.Most of the new office furniture was bought by mail order. 大部分新办公家具都是邮购的。 重点词语:mail n.①... [查看全文]
1.This computer isn't mine; it's on loan from the finance department. 这台计算机不是我的,是从财务部门借的。 重点词语:loan n.①贷款 ②公债 商务用语:on loan 借用 domestic/foreign loan 内/外债 public/government loan 公债,国库券 2.We have redesigned the logo to make it eye-catching. 我们重新设计了识别标记使它更醒目。 [查看全文]
1.One of the company directors was appointed liquidator. 其中一名董事被指定为公司清算人。 重点词语:liquidator n.①清算人 ②公司资产清理人 商务用语:representative liquidator 代理清算人 provisional liquidator 临时清算人 2.Members of the Stock Exchange only deal in listed securities. 证券交易所会员只买卖上市证券。 重点词 [查看全文]
1.The two families linked up through the marriage of a daughter and son. 那两家因他们子女结婚而联结起来。 重点词语:link n.①环 ②关系,联系 v.①连接,联合 ②携手 商务用语:missing link 缺少的一环 2.A large proportion of our clients have considerable liquid assets. 我们的客户大多数有相当多的流动资产。 重点词语:liquid adj.易转 [查看全文]
1.The lessee can be evicted for non-payment of rent. 租户不付租金,对方可把他逐出租地。 重点词语:lessee n.承租人,租户,租用人 商务用语:perpetual lessee 永久承租 2.He has some leverage over the company's policy. 他对公司的决策有一定的影响力。 重点词语:leverage n.①杠杆比率,杠杆作用 ②影响 商务用语:optimum leverage 最佳资本结构 commer [查看全文]
1.We lead the market in software design. 我们在软件设计市场处于领先地位。 重点词语:lead v.领导,引导 n.领导,领先 商务用语:lead time (产品)从决定生产(或开始设计)至实际投产(或完成生产)间相隔的时间 2.All company cars are leased from a local garage. 公司的全部小汽车都是从当地汽车服务站租来的。 重点词语:lease n.①租借 ②租约 ③租期 v.①出租 ②租用 商务用语:put out [查看全文]
1.The bottle is labeled poison. 瓶上标明有毒。 重点词语:label n.标签,商标,标志 v.贴标签于,分类,标注 商务用语:address label 地址签,贴头(印写收件人地址的小纸签) approved label 注册商标 bar code label 条形码标记 2.With great labour, the workers streamlined the process. 经过巨大的努力,工人们实现了工序流水化作业。 重点词语:labour n.①劳动 ② [查看全文]
1.All information, from train schedules to discount-price goods, will be as close as the press of a key. 所有信息,从火车时刻表到折价商品,只需按按键就能得到。 重点词语:information n.通知,资料,信息 商务用语:administration information 管理信息 advance information 预报来源:考试大 an information desk 问讯处 cost [查看全文]