1.I have no cash on me. May I pay by check? 我没带现款,我可以用支票付款吗? 重点词语:cash n.现金 商务用语:cash administration 现金管理 cash liquidity 现金流动情况 available cash 可用现金 free cas [查看全文]
1.We have 25 branches in China. 在中国我们有25家分支机构。 重点词语:branch n.部门,分行,分支机构,分店,分公司 商务用语:branch store 分店 domestic branch 国内分行 foreign branch 国外分支机构 [查看全文]
1.The behavio(u)r of the yacht was excellent. 这游艇的性能极佳。 重点词语:behavio(u)r n.行为;仪态;态度;性能 商务用语:service behavio(u)r 工作性能 2.Our bid for building the bridge was $300,000. 建这座 [查看全文]
1.We average 8 hours' work a day. 我们每天平均工作八小时。 重点词语:average vt.平均为;达到平均水平;adj.一般的,平均的;n.平均;海损 商务用语:foreign general average 国外共同海损 utilit [查看全文]
1.I don't find him at all attractive. 我觉得他一点儿也不讨人喜欢。 重点词语:attractive adj.有吸引力的,引人注目的 商务用语:goods for sale at attractive prices 价格低廉的货物 2.Independent accounta [查看全文]
1.Congress approved the national budget. 国会批准了国家预算。 重点词语:approve vt.批准,审定 商务用语:approve a licence 批准许可证 2.We should assist small enterprise expansion. 我们应该帮助小型企业扩 [查看全文]
1.Advice from our branch in Shanghai indicates that our market share is rising. 上海分行的报告表明我们的市场份额在增长。 重点词语:advice n.通知单,报告信,通知;报道 商务用语:a remittance advice 汇 [查看全文]
1.I address my business to him when I am out.我外出时把生意委托给他。 重点词语:address vt.写姓名地址;将委托 商务用语:actual address 有效地址 telegraphic address 电报挂号 2.He adjusted himself very q [查看全文]
1.Government has not yet acted on the bill.政府还没有按照法案行事。 重点词语:act n.条例,法案;行动 商务用语:bank act 银行法 act of honor 参加承兑 2.He brought an action against his school.他向他的学 [查看全文]
1.She was badly injured in an accident.她在一次事故中受重伤。 重点词语:accident n.事故;意外损害 商务用语:accident error 意外误差 2.The bank will accommodate us a loan.银行将给我们提供贷款。 重点 [查看全文]