第一阶段已结束,从本期起,我们进入第二阶段。每日学习5个商务短句,记住5个商务重点单词及与之相关的商务用语。 1.Our financial ability can be relied on.我们的财力是可信赖的。 重点单 [查看全文]
公共关系发表/宣讲科研论文(2) 1.Prepare presentations 准备讲演 A: Now I need to prepare a presentation. How should I approach this? B: First, you need to list the good results you obtained. A:现在我要准备讲演了, [查看全文]
公共关系发表/宣讲科研论文(2) 1.Attention of the audience 听众的注意力 A: How do you attract the attention of the audience? B: A striking title would help. A:你怎样吸引听众的注意力啊? B:一个吸引人的 [查看全文]
公共关系工业展览(2) 1.Introduction of the products 产品介绍 A: Who will do the introduction of the products? B: I will. A:谁来做产品的介绍? B:我做。 2.Lottery drawing 抽奖 A: Every attendees of the product [查看全文]
公共关系工业展览(1) 1.Displayed product 展览产品 A: Do you have any displayed product of your company? B: Sure, let me show you. A:你们公司有产品参展吗? B:当然,我指给你看。 2.Dry run 预演 A: Did y [查看全文]
公共关系保修问题解释 1.Cause of the warranty problem 保修问题的原因 A: What is the root cause of the warranty problem? B: It was a faulty wire harness. We will fix it for free. A:这次保修问题的根源在哪里? B: [查看全文]
公共关系新车型发布会 1.Design and styling 设计和风格 A: I found the design and styling of cars are so important. B: Especially for the new generation. A:我发现车的设计和风格很重要。 B:特别是对年轻一代的 [查看全文]
公共关系和客户打网球(2) 1.Racket 球拍 A: I bought a racket with ten bucks in the Wal-Mart. B: Looks good! A:我在沃尔玛花十元钱就买了个球拍。 B:看起来挺好的。 2.Return the ball 回球 A: You are qui [查看全文]
公共关系和客户打网球(1) 1.Double 双打 A: Are we going to play double? B: Yes. Double is more interesting than single. A:我们双打吗? B:是的,双打比单打有意思。 2.Health club 健身俱乐部 A: Is there [查看全文]
办公室行为及情感表达和客户打高尔夫球 1.Driving range 高尔夫球练习场 A: Does Changchun have a golf course? B: No. It has a driving range at the Moon Lake Park. A:长春有高尔夫球场吗? B:没有,只有在净 [查看全文]