办公室行为及情感表达聊天 1.Family 家庭 A: How is your family? Are they doing all right? B: They are fine. We are just back from a vacation to Florida. A:你的家人怎么样?他们都还好吧? B:他们挺好的,我们 [查看全文]
办公室行为及情感表达抱歉(2) 1.Is it better 如果是不是会好些? A: Is it better if you dont put so much sugar? B: Would you like me to replace it for you? A:如果你不放这么多糖是不是会好一些? B:需要 [查看全文]
办公室行为及情感表达抱歉(1) 1.Dont you think 你不觉得 A: Dont you think this is good enough? B: I dont think so. A:你不认为做得够好吗? B:我不认为。 2.How could you... 你怎么能 A: How could you let [查看全文]
办公室行为及情感表达反对(2) 1.No-go 禁止 A: Is it a go or on-go? B: Its a no-go. A:是行还是不行? B:不行。 2.Objection 反对 A: Objection! The defendant is not answering the question. B: Overruled. A:反对! [查看全文]
办公室行为及情感表达反对(1) 1.Dont even bother 别费力气 A: Would you like me to explain in details? B: Dont even bother. There is no way that I agree with the proposal. A:我来解释一下细节好吗? B:别费力气 [查看全文]
办公室行为及情感表达协议 1.Agreement established 达成共识 A: An agreement has been established after tough negotiation. B: You did a great job! A:经过艰难的谈判后,终于达成共识了。 B:干得好! 2.Both [查看全文]
办公室行为及情感表达会议纪要 1.Action items 行动任务 A: Karen, please take down the action items. B: Okay. A:凯伦,请记一下行动任务。 B:好的。 2.Anything missing, please feel free to add. 如果漏下什 [查看全文]
办公室行为及情感表达备忘录 1.I want to make a point that 我要强调的是 A: Jenny, please send a memo. I want to make a point that no one should use company resources for personal interests. B: I got it. A:珍妮,发个通 [查看全文]
办公室行为及情感表达建议(2) 1.Please be advised 请注意 A: Please be advised that CWC Corp. is no longer part of the Encore Group. B: When did that happen? A:请注意CWC公司已经不属于科恩集团了。 B:什么时 [查看全文]
办公室行为及情感表达建议(1) 1.Dont you want to ...? 你不想? A: Dont you want to join the army? B: Yes, I do. But my mom wont let me. A:你不想当兵吗? B:想啊,但我妈妈不同意。 2.I think you should [查看全文]