不准1 "I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but ..." (我本不该告诉你这些,但是……) 不大嘴巴。But后... [查看全文]
By the time you realize you have outgrown your job it is usually too late and your employer is making the dec... [查看全文]
1. Send nice notes. When something good happens here, he sends a nice personal note to congratulate that person.... [查看全文]
Here are two perfectly good reasons to quit your job immediately:下面为大家介绍你要马上辞职的两个完美原因:1. Your emp... [查看全文]
有时候,公司会在面对面的面试之前,进行一次电话面试,也就是传说中的电面。大家该如何应对电话面试呢?来学学吧。Sometimes companies w... [查看全文]
华为面试技巧华为面试过程和具体内容(技术服务类)1、参加华为公司宣讲会,会后投递个人简历;2、参加行政职能考试、专业基础考试; 行政职能... [查看全文]
英语中有很多所谓的小词,别看就只有几个字母组成,但是意思可是不少哦~~大家可以发现很多小词在词典中的释义都要好几页,所以说起来这些词... [查看全文]
新生的自我介绍--给新同学留个好印象!第一篇Hello everybody. My name is Stone. I come from Guangdong province in China.I... [查看全文]
1. Choosing a career is simpleCareer planning is a multi-step process that involves learning enough about yourself... [查看全文]
Good morning, Dear Professors:It’s my honor to introduce myself. My name is XXX, I am fromXXCountyXXProvince,... [查看全文]