有很多频繁出现在简历中,却不讨考官喜欢的词语,比如entrepreneurial(企业家的)、proactive(前瞻性)等等。有专家说:这 些词语出现的... [查看全文]
如今,猎头们确实忙的不可开交。但如果他们没有给你回电话,可不仅仅是因为他们时间紧迫。As a senior recruiter at Waltham, Mass.-... [查看全文]
Lying on Your Resume简历造假Tell the truth from the start, because you will be held responsible for the informati... [查看全文]
Mark Sebba is the man, according to thousands of employees of the online luxury retailer Net-a-Porter.对于英国奢侈... [查看全文]
1. Please respond to this conditional offer before May.15th if you accept it.如接受此offer,请于5月15日前回复。2. On... [查看全文]
多年以来,我们一直把职场人群统分为两大阵营:白领,即商务人士;和蓝领,体力劳动者以及工厂的工人。除了这两个熟悉的说法之外,你可以会... [查看全文]
职场中最令人绝望的并不是玻璃天花板,而是sticky floor(粘地板),员工被迫长年累月地拿着可怜的一成不变的薪水而又看不到任何晋升机会,... [查看全文]
办公室用品修改胶带 correction tape书立 book stand日记簿 diary book文件袋 expanding file地球仪 globe名片夹 name card ho... [查看全文]
The Guide to Colour-Matching白领着装色彩指南You are what you wear! Keeping your clothes well-pressed will keep you ... [查看全文]
沉默…… 沉默…… 没得聊?这种尴尬的寂静,该如何打破?虽说要和陌生人攀谈并不容易,但打开话匣子可能只需要你的一句话。不造该如何开口... [查看全文]