到了求职季,投了很多份简历,参加过多次面试,但是都没有得到满意的结果。也许在准备的过程中你忽略了一些细节,仔细阅读下面这篇文章,边... [查看全文]
Big city is beneficial to people's career development.大城市有利于个人事业的发展。I think big cities usually have... [查看全文]
A diploma is more important than experience in job-seeking.求职时,学历比经验更重要。Knowledge is a key factor in on... [查看全文]
One day last fall, my colleague Miguel Morales received an email with a sign-off that was so strange, it has s... [查看全文]
Beauty, closely studied, seems nearly indistinguishable from quick math。拥有美貌的人,不管你是经过细致研究还是粗略一看,... [查看全文]
无论是找工作还是跟别人进行自我介绍,都是推销自己的绝佳机会,那么,如何自我推销?以下最精彩的14句英文自评,学起来吧。1.Mature, dyna... [查看全文]
The end of the year is often a time of many events -- wrapping up business for the year while also wrapping ... [查看全文]
很多人在换工作的时候,一般会选择提前办完离职手续,休几天假,然后再到新公司入职。可是,现在有一种理念,认为跳槽过来的新员工在入职以... [查看全文]
人人都渴望全身心地投入到工作之中。领导力专家卡米尔•普雷斯顿认为,所谓的心流状态并非艺术家的专利,只要方法得当,每个人都可以进... [查看全文]
工作堆积如山,连上厕所的时间都没有?其实长时间连续工作会让你头脑发胀,工作效率降低。不妨来试试Pomodoro Technique(番茄工作法),这种... [查看全文]