Recite These 4 Inspirational Quotes to Earn More Money记住这4句箴言能让你赚更多钱When you start reciting positive quo... [查看全文]
1. Identify your core values.确定自己的核心价值观;2.Pick a goal (Focus)选择一个目标(并专注于此);3. Set a deadline for ... [查看全文]
More than 70 per cent of bosses claim that the rising trend among Britons - especially teenagers - of adding i... [查看全文]
Employers assume that those they hire know how to perform certain tasks. For example your boss will expect you ... [查看全文]
Honesty is often said to be the best policy in social situations but being yourself at work is not a good... [查看全文]
你是不是常常碰到这样的情况:刚刚想离开办公室的时候,突然发现还有一项任务没有完成?这时,你不得不重新回去处理这件事情。这种意外... [查看全文]
1. Books1. 阅读There are a million books out there about how to boost your career. But here are recent ones I&... [查看全文]
最好简历用语1. Achieved: 52 percent已经取得:52%2. Improved: 48 percent得到提高的:48%3. Trained/Mentored: 47 percent经过... [查看全文]
Having trouble with your job search? Not sure why you aren’t getting more interviews?It could be because of... [查看全文]
你英语口语不错,可就是说得不地道,特别是办公室英语,说起来总是带有浓浓的乡土气息。要想说得又好又地道,那就一起来师夷长技以制夷... [查看全文]