Donations from China's top 100 philanthropistsreached 12.8 billion yuan ($1.9 billion) in 2015,which included... [查看全文]
Bill Gates has revealed how he used to keep tabs onhis employees by memorising all of their numberplates to... [查看全文]
在社会交通拥挤的现在,迟到是常有的事,而你知道商务英语口语如何表示迟到致歉吗?现在,就来看看小编为您准备的商务英语口语之迟到致... [查看全文]
公司接待接待来访约见者的英语口语对话。 Secretary: Good morning,Sir 早上好,先生。 Visitor: Good morning, Mis... [查看全文]
杰夫: Mr. White, may I have a word with you? 怀特先生.我能跟你谈谈吗? 怀特先生: Of course, Jeff. What ... [查看全文]
千万不要以为经常迟到是自己占了便宜,说不定哪天就直接被老板开除了。 老板: Come in, please! 请进! 约翰: You wa... [查看全文]
It's generally assumed that China's job marketfavors overseas returnees, high academic achieversand single... [查看全文]
Tech companies are notorious for offering job "perks"that function like gilded handcuffs: fancy benefitslike fre... [查看全文]
Finding a satisfying white-collar job is getting moreand more challenging this winter. The latest reportshowed ... [查看全文]
Some 40 percent of respondents are not satisfiedwith the state of their year-end bonuses as SpringFestival, or... [查看全文]