1. How much similar jobs pay at similar companies, for candidates like you.了解下在同类公司,跟你类似资历和岗位职员的... [查看全文]
Whether you're hoping to get ahead at work or just trying to build healthy relationships, it's important ... [查看全文]
Here are two perfectly good reasons to quit your job immediately:下面为大家介绍你要马上辞职的两个完美原因:1. Your emp... [查看全文]
大约三十年前,许多公司都会提供明确的职业发展路线。只要你表现出色,你的工资、职务和责任一定会稳步提高,为公司忠心服务25年后,你还将... [查看全文]
What employers are looking for obviously varies from job to job, but many businesses like hiring recent graduates... [查看全文]
在外企工作或者想要去外企工作的人,不是你会说英文就行的。由于文化传统、思维方式、教育习惯的不同,在语言表达上也会有很大的区别,... [查看全文]
Steps To Transform Yourself From An Employee To A Boss将自己从员工变成老板的步骤Becoming your own boss is a major ... [查看全文]
又到了毕业生求职的季节,奔波于各种招聘会之间,不断投简历,不停去面试。这一关大概每个人都免不了。以下我们为大家总结了一些英文求... [查看全文]
You know enough to bring a list of questions to a job interview. When the interviewer asks you, "So, do yo... [查看全文]
We will no longer accept a doctor's certificate as proof of sickness. If you are able to go to the doc... [查看全文]