MPW Insider is an online community where the biggest names in business and beyond answer timely career and l... [查看全文]
大四有一次去参加一个牛逼公司的面试,面试通知邮件里最后有一条是:请携带不超过30字的个人简历。 我一看,疯了吧?30字?!我挨个把... [查看全文]
Q: I have an active social and business life, and I worry about repeating outfits. Is there anything out there,... [查看全文]
It's very important to follow up after a job interview, because even if you think the interview went badly,... [查看全文]
Here are some simple tips for getting to enjoy your current job.这里有一些简单的方法,可以使你喜爱你现在的工作。1. On... [查看全文]
谈谈你的未来规划吧,这应该是每一场面试必问的问题。当然作为面试者,你也一定有一番洋洋洒洒的规划,不过要回答的恰到好处,张弛有度... [查看全文]
Most managers are familiar with the idea that no matter how busy they are, they could do more. There's alwa... [查看全文]
How To Avoid That Inevitable Argument With Your Boss如何避免与老板之间无谓的争执?The boss always has great expectatio... [查看全文]
1. Don’t talk negatively about people behind their backs. If you gossip, people won’t confide in you.... [查看全文]
北京少年郎,曾混迹北航,随性远科研,前途尽迷茫;实习在英才,终择招聘行;曾事五百强,又进大街网;初入互联网,心远梦飞翔;我爱三国杀... [查看全文]