1. Show up for every check-in with the full agenda —send it a day or more ahead (Give your manager time ... [查看全文]
Shorten it to Bill, Bob, Marc or a Cindy, if you want to work in the executive suite.如果在外企高层工作,就给自己... [查看全文]
Merit alone may not get you that job promotion. The details:仅仅具有工作成绩可能还不足以让你升职。具体说来就是:You'... [查看全文]
Do you have some vague plans to go back to school at some point, and get more education? Can't go wrong w... [查看全文]
I am in my mid-thirties. and. as you can imagine. I have changed and looked for jobs many times in my life. ... [查看全文]
One of the toughest things to do when getting to know people professionally is remembering their names. And it... [查看全文]
What employers are looking for obviously varies from job to job, but many businesses like hiring recent graduates... [查看全文]
职场女性:女人何必为难女人职场生活中,来自各方面的压力随时存在。然而,如果你的上司是个女上司,情形又会如何呢?More than half of... [查看全文]
On Monday, Cathy Engelbert made history. As the next CEO of professional services firm Deloitte, Engelbert wil... [查看全文]
Leadership 女性当领导,依然困难 Women saw little advancement in corporate boardrooms and compensation in 2010,... [查看全文]