他把这工程做砸了,被老板骂得狗血淋头。[误] He failed in the project and was poured the blood of dogs by his boss.[... [查看全文]
他老爱吹牛,一点也不可信。[误] He is always blowing the bull up and is not reliable at all.[正] He is always talk... [查看全文]
别杞人忧天了,公司的状况很好。[误] Don\'t worry about the falling sky. The company is going on quite well.[正] D... [查看全文]
她老是为一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事烦心。[误] She is always worrying over chicken feather and garlic skin.[正] She is always ... [查看全文]
他是个软心肠。[误] He is a soft-hearted man.[正] He is a pushover.注:心肠软,其实也就是听不得别人几句好话,外力一推就身... [查看全文]
我们俩得为这个错误负责。[误] You and I am responsible for this mistake.[正] I and you are responsible for this mis... [查看全文]
她儿子终于平安无事地回来了。[误] Her son has finally come back, safe and eventless.[正] Her son has finally come ba... [查看全文]
别太沮丧了,众口难调嘛。[误] Don\'t be frustrated. It is hard to cater for all tastes.[正] Don\'t be frustra... [查看全文]
明日复明日,明日何其多。[误] Tomorrow after tomorrow. How many tomorrows would there be?[正] One today is worth two... [查看全文]
一日不见,如隔三秋。[误] It seems many years if they fail to see each other.[正] Absence sharpens love.注:这里值得... [查看全文]