要测量海水的深度不是一件容易的事情。 [误] It is a tough job to measure the depth of the sea. [正] It is a... [查看全文]
美国是个超级大国,不少人都梦想着能移民到那儿。 [误] The United States is a super country, and many people dream... [查看全文]
哈罗德邀请一位女士到舞池里跳舞。 [误] Harold invites a lady to dance in the dance pool. [正] Harold invites... [查看全文]
---我们这是上哪儿去? ----去我的住处。 [误] ---Where are we going to? ----To my living place. [正] ---Wher... [查看全文]
---想喝点什么? ----来杯淡茶吧! [误] ---What would you like to drink? ----A cup of light tea, pleas. [正... [查看全文]
有人看见一位妇女和两个孩子朝路那边走去。 [误] A woman with two children were seen walking down the road. [正]... [查看全文]
我们的班主任住在18栋楼4单元2号。 [误] Our head-teacher lives in Building 18, Entrance 4, No. 2. [正] Our hea... [查看全文]
如果你也那样做可就有失身份了。 [误] You would lose your identity if you\'d follow suit. [正] It would be... [查看全文]
每个月的单号我们都有一场比赛。 [误] We have a match on single-numbered days of each month. [正] We have a ... [查看全文]
大舌头的人发音都很糟糕。 [误] Big-tongued persons have terrible pronunciations. [正] Thick-tongued persons have... [查看全文]