听到这个消息,没有一个人不感到兴奋。 [误] Having heard the news, nobody did not feel excited. [正] Having hea... [查看全文]
我是一个中国人。 [误] I am a Chinese. [正] I am Chinese. 注:第一句译文是不地道的,正确的说法应该去掉不定冠词... [查看全文]
母狼为了保护幼崽同猎豹展开了殊死的搏斗。 [误] The female wolf fights against the leopard so as to protect her ... [查看全文]
使我高兴的是,我儿子对意大利语也略知一二。 [误] To my joy, my son know a thing or two about Italian. [正] T... [查看全文]
你希望什么时候成家呢? [误] When do you want to start a family? [正] When do you want to get married? ... [查看全文]
宁做鸡头,不做凤尾。 [误] Better be the head of a cock than the tail of a phoenix. [正] Better be the h... [查看全文]
海伦就像一只骄傲的公鸡,从来不爱搭理别人。 [误] Helen is proud as a cock, and she never talks to others. [正... [查看全文]
奥斯本名义上是个医生,但他整天都呆在股票交易所里。 [误] Osborne is a doctor by name only, but he stays in the ... [查看全文]
我们是不信上帝的。 [误] We do not believe God. [正] We do not believe in God. 注:believe 和 believe in... [查看全文]
你做这样的事难道不感到羞耻吗? [误] Aren't you ashamed for doing such a thing? [正] Aren't you ashamed... [查看全文]