对不起,我把课本忘在家里了。 [误] Sorry, I forgot my textbook at home. [正] Sorry, I left my textbook at h... [查看全文]
中国足球队击败了日本队,从而取得了参加半决赛的资格。 [误] The Chinese football team beat the Japanese team, and i... [查看全文]
在自然灾害期间,绝大多数人都过着半饥半饱的生活。 [误] During the natural calamity, most people were half hungry, ... [查看全文]
汉语是我们的母语。 [误] Chinese is our mother language. [正] Chinese is our mother tongue. 注:tongue 除了... [查看全文]
我爷爷是奔75的人了。 [误] My grandpa is running for seventy-five. [正] My grandpa is getting on for seventy... [查看全文]
经常给我写信。 [误] Write letters to me often. [正] Write to me often. 注:中文动宾结构的宾语在翻译成英文时... [查看全文]
挑战者以0比4的比分输了与冠军队的那场比赛。 [误] The challengers lost the game by zero to four to the champion.... [查看全文]
在一次具有历史意义的表决中,北京羸得了申办奥运会的机会。 [误] In a historical vote, Beijing won the bid for the ... [查看全文]
你读没读过菲尔丁的经典长篇小说《汤姆.琼斯》? [误] Have you ever read Fielding's classical novel Tom Jones? ... [查看全文]
未经允许,任何人不得入内。 [误] Anybody can not come in without permission. [正] Nobody can come in without... [查看全文]