我有一个舒适的家。 [误] I have a cozy family. [正] I have a cozy home. 注: family 和 home 虽然翻译成... [查看全文]
每节课老是都会点名。 [误] The teacher will call our names in every period of class. [正] The teacher will... [查看全文]
我的学习很忙。 [误] My study is very busy. [正] I am very busy with my study. 注:第一句译文完全套用汉语... [查看全文]
给他当二把手我看也值得。他太能干了。 [误] I feel it worth being a second hand to him. He is so capable. [... [查看全文]
电车上十分拥挤,几乎没有立足之地。 [误] The tram was so crowded that there was hardly sufficient room for you.... [查看全文]
他被戴上了绿帽子。 [误] He is made to wear a green hat. [正] He is a cuckold. 注:中文的戴绿帽子是指某人... [查看全文]
我在新闻片里看到你站在总裁的身旁。 [误] I saw you stand by the president in the newsreel. [正] I saw you s... [查看全文]
那本书毫无价值可言。 [误] That book is invaluable. [正] That book is valueless. 注:invaluable 和valueless ... [查看全文]
房间里有一张床、两张桌子和五把椅子。 [误] There are one bed, two desks and five chairs in the room. [正] Th... [查看全文]
我不想听他那些空话。 [误] I don't want to hear his empty words. [正] I don't want to hear his hol... [查看全文]