你可真是个人物啊! [误] You are really a person. [正] You are really a personage. 注:person 仅仅指一个普通... [查看全文]
艾达把发音一词拼写错了,不过只是个笔误。 [误] Ida misspells the word "pronunciation", however, it is only a mist... [查看全文]
我们将口头对这一问题做个表决。 [误] We shall take an oral vote on this problem. [正] We shall take a voice... [查看全文]
内德有一条瘸腿。 [误] Ned has a lame leg. [正] Ned is lame in one leg. 注:lame 作瘸的,跛的,残废的讲,... [查看全文]
我舅舅的胃病又犯了。 [误] My uncle has got another attack of stomach disease. [正] My uncle has got anothe... [查看全文]
奥尼尔是首位进入决赛的种子选手。 [误] O\'Neil is the first seed player to reach the final. [正] O\'Ne... [查看全文]
因为玛吉请了三天病假,所以她必须把落下的课补上。 [误] Since Maggie asked for a sick leave of three days,she shou... [查看全文]
对不起,因为交通繁忙,我迟到了20分钟。 [误] Excuse me, I am twenty minutes late because of the busy traffic. ... [查看全文]
在很久以前,这里曾经有座宫殿。 [误] There used to be a palace here before long. [正] There used to be a p... [查看全文]
你真是不要脸,居然干出这种事。 [误] You are so faceless that you should have done such a thing. [正] You a... [查看全文]