他输了这场球。一切都完蛋了。[误] He has lost the game. The egg is over.[正] He has lost the game. It has gone be... [查看全文]
他俩好得能穿一条裤子。[误] They are so close as if they could wear the same trousers.[正] They are hand in glove.... [查看全文]
他资质平平。[误] He has a normal intelligence.[正] He has an average intelligence.注: normal 言其正常,average 言其平庸。貌似一般,但内涵不同,绝对不可滥用。 [查看全文]
他这次可是搬起石头砸自己的脚。[误] This time, he has carried a stone and let it fall on his own feet.[正] This ti... [查看全文]
他老是信口开河。[误] He is always making his mouth flow like a river.[正] He is always shooting off his mouth!注... [查看全文]
这事儿八字还没一撇呢![误] I have not drawn the first part of the letter eight![正] It has not got to the first ... [查看全文]
她最爱给人当头泼凉水了。[误] She loves pouring cold water over other\'s head.[正] She loves throwing a wet blank... [查看全文]
你为什么不走大路偏走小路呢?[误] Why don\'t you take the big road instead of the small one?[正] Why don\'t y... [查看全文]
在动笔之前,你必须先打开思路。[误] You should open your mind before you begin to write.[正] You should broaden your... [查看全文]
那些人攒三聚五地聚在一起干嘛呢?[误] What are those people gathering in threes and fives for?[正] What are those peop... [查看全文]