有情人终成眷属。[误] Lovers shall become couples in the end.[正] All shall be well, and Jack shall have Jill.注:... [查看全文]
我给年轻人的忠告就是多用耳朵,少用嘴巴。[误] The advice I would like to provide the young people with is to use the... [查看全文]
人言可畏。[误] Words are horrible.[正] Give a dog a bad name and hang him.注:此处的人言岂是直译为 words 所能表达的!... [查看全文]
别五十步笑百步了,你并不比我做得好。[误] Don\'t laugh at those who have covered 100 steps when you have covered ... [查看全文]
一粒老鼠屎,坏了一锅汤。[误] The mouse waste spoils the whole pot of soup.[正] The rotten apple injures its neighbo... [查看全文]
过河莫忘搭桥人。[误] Don\'t forget the builder of the bridge when you cross the river.[正] Prise the bridge he... [查看全文]
习惯成自然。[误] Habit forms nature.[正] Habit is second nature.注:第二句颇有后天习得之意味,妙处也就在于此。 [查看全文]
上梁不正下梁歪。[误] If the upper beam is crooked, the one below is necessarily so.[正] Fish begins to stink at ... [查看全文]
聊胜于无。[误] Few is better than none.[正] Half a bread is better than none.注:中国的四字成语言简意赅,而英文却将此... [查看全文]
忧愁伤身。[误] Worry hurts body.[正] Care killed the cat.注:既然莎翁(莎士比亚)用了一只可怜的猫,那么,就用猫好了。 [查看全文]