Context-dependence: Why your environment matters情境依赖:为什么你的环境很重要Consider an everyday situation: You get up... [查看全文]
State-dependence: How your physical/mental states drive your memory状态依赖:你的身体/心理状态如何影响记忆Imagine the fol... [查看全文]
Transfer-appropriate processing: The trick to acing your exams迁移适合性加工:考试取得好成绩的技巧Imagine yourself learni... [查看全文]
Depth of Processing: Why how you process information determines how much you'll remember later加工深度:为什么如何加... [查看全文]
Intention to learn: Does it matter how much you want to remember?学习的意向:你有多想记住对结果有影响吗?In an intrig... [查看全文]
Encoding: Putting memories into the brain编码:将记忆内容输入大脑Encoding is a process of imprinting information into... [查看全文]
The Three Parts Underlying All Your Memories所有记忆背后包含的三个部分What does a ten-dollar bill look like (or a c... [查看全文]
Why Memory Matters记忆为什么重要What is memory? The general consensus is that memory is a multitude of cognitive s... [查看全文]
What are the Six Perfections (cha pāramitā)?什么是六波罗蜜?Charity (Dāna), Morality, or Abiding by discipline (... [查看全文]
What is the Bodhisatta code of conduct?什么是菩萨行?The Bodhisatta code of conduct is to take the deliverance o... [查看全文]