What is "sarīra"?舍利是什么?"Sarīra" means the remains of the dead, but this term is generally confined to th... [查看全文]
What were the circumstances immediately before and after the Buddha's Nibbāna?佛涅槃前后的情形是怎样?The Buddha ha... [查看全文]
What is "Nibbāna"?什么叫做“涅槃”?This will be fully explained later. It may be simply interpreted as death.现在暂不详细解答,这里可简单解释为“逝世”。 [查看全文]
Where did Sākyamuni travel and preach during his life?释迦牟尼一生游行教化的区域,是哪些地方?According to historical... [查看全文]
Were there many people who came and followed the Buddha during his lifetime?佛在世的时候,归依的人多吗?Yes. On th... [查看全文]
What is the meaning of "abiding by the Three Gems" ("Ti-saraṇaṃ gacchāmi")?什么叫做归依?Ti-saraṇaṃ gacchāmi ... [查看全文]
What are the Three Gems (Tiratana)?“三宝”是什么?The Three Gems are the Gem of the Buddha, the enlightened one... [查看全文]
Why is the site of the Buddha's first sermon looked upon as more important than other sermon sites?佛初次说法的... [查看全文]
Would you please give a brief account regarding his life after Sākyamuni attained Buddhahood?释迦牟尼成佛后的事迹... [查看全文]
Are there any vestiges remaining of the site where Sākyamuni became a Buddha?释迦牟尼成佛处,现有遗迹留存吗?The s... [查看全文]