What about his life after he renounced the world?出家以后的情形怎样?Having tried in vain to persuade him to ret... [查看全文]
How could his father agree to his renunciation?他父亲怎么会让他出家呢?Having found out what his son had in mind,... [查看全文]
Why didn't he succeed to the throne later on?那么,他后来为什么不继承王位呢?Prince Siddhattha in his childhood dev... [查看全文]
How was Sākyamuni educated in his childhood?释迦牟尼幼年教养情况是怎样?Queen Māyā died soon after giving birth.... [查看全文]
Are there any vestiges of Lumbinī Grove remaining today?蓝毗尼花园现在还有遗址留存下来吗?During the 7th century AD... [查看全文]
What is known about the life of Sākyamuni?释迦牟尼的一生可以简略介绍一下么?Well, Sākyamuni lived around the 6th ... [查看全文]
What is the meaning of "Nanmo Fo" (南无佛)? Why is it pronounced as "Namo Fo" (那摩佛)?“南无佛”是什么意思?为什... [查看全文]
Are Amita Buddha and Gotama Buddha not one and the same?阿弥陀佛和释迦牟尼佛不是一个人吗?No, Amita Buddha or Amit... [查看全文]
Is the Chinese term "Rulai Fo" identical to Sākyamuni or is he somebody else?如来佛是不是释迦牟尼?还是另一人?"Ru... [查看全文]
Are there any other Buddhas besides Sākyamuni?除释迦牟尼外,有没有另外的佛?Buddhism claims that there were people ... [查看全文]