Why do some Buddhists need to renounce the lay life?为什么一部分佛教徒要出家?Before answering this question, it i... [查看全文]
In how many languages do the Buddhist texts appear at present?现在佛经一般有几种文字?Many countries have been tra... [查看全文]
Were the Buddhist texts written by Sākyamuni himself?佛经是释迦牟尼亲自写的吗?No, they were recited and recorded ... [查看全文]
What is the meaning of Dhamma-lakkhaṇa?“法印”是什么?Lakkhaṇa means mark or seal. An imperial seal certifies t... [查看全文]
What is meant by "cause and effect continuously connected without interruption"?什么是“因果相续”?All dhammas are... [查看全文]
What is "Impermanence" (Anicca)?什么是“无常”?All phenomena in the universe exist in mutually dependent interrelat... [查看全文]
Who was the author of the Gāthā of Dependent Origination?缘起偈是谁作的?It was uttered by the Buddha's discipl... [查看全文]
What is the date of the Buddha's Parinibbāna?佛的涅槃日是哪一天?In China, the 15th of the second month of the... [查看全文]
Is there agreement over the year of the Buddha's Parinibbāna?佛涅槃的年代,有没有不同的计算?With regard to the ye... [查看全文]
What is the function of a thūpa?塔是作什么用的?Thūpa (S. stūpa), rendered into Chinese as "Ta", "Tabo" or "S... [查看全文]