Bob: Tom, Adam said it was very cold in New York. He wanted me to tidy up some winter clothes.汤姆,亚当说纽约... [查看全文]
Lily: They were really born of a couple.他们真的是天生一对。Ann: Yes. The groom is my best friend. He said he ha... [查看全文]
Salesman: Come on ,everybody! Come here and have a look at my amazing spear and shield.瞧一瞧,看一看!大家来看我惊... [查看全文]
Waiter/服务员: What can I do for you?我能为你做点什么?Guest/客人: Do you have beef teriyaki?你们有照烧牛肉吗?Waiter/服... [查看全文]
Tom: You look quite tanned.Where have you been?你看上去晒黑多了,上哪儿去了?Jack: I have been to Hawaii for the hol... [查看全文]
Long: What I write is not English but loneliness.我写的不是英语,是寂寞.Merry: You are so deep, and I don't kno... [查看全文]
林涛: Beautiful day, isn't it?美好的一天,是不是?苏珊: Yes, it's not like what the radio said at all.是的。... [查看全文]
纳塔莉: Come on, Sue. It's time for bed!得啦,休,该睡觉了!休: But it's only nine o'clock!可现在刚9点!纳塔... [查看全文]
玛丽: I'm having this huge crush on Ted.I'm going to try and see if I can ask him out this weekend.我... [查看全文]
约翰: Why are you late?你怎么迟到了?吉姆: It rained last night.昨天晚上下雨了啊。约翰: Don't make excuses for you... [查看全文]