大嘴: Morning. Did you go to the library and attend the lecture of Yuminhong?早上好,昨天你去图书馆参加俞敏洪的讲座了... [查看全文]
Ella: Lily, today is your birthday.Happy Birthday to you!莉莉,今天是你的生日。Lily: Thank you very much!谢谢!Ella: O... [查看全文]
大嘴: Good morning, You look very tired.早上好,你看起来非常累。脸盆: Yes, I nearly didn't sleep last night.是的... [查看全文]
Bingo: Eating vegatables is a good habbit.吃素是个好习惯。Tiger: What?Did you speak to me?But I am a tiger!啥?你在对我说话吗?我是只老虎啊! [查看全文]
露西: Oh,my god! Jack ? It’s you?天哪!杰克?是你吗?杰克: Ruth,my girl ! How is it you? I can't believe m... [查看全文]
大嘴: Have you heard of the click flick?你听过小妞电影吗?脸盆: What? Is it a peculiar form of modern movie?什么玩... [查看全文]
大嘴: What are you up to? Why I couldn’t see you in gymnasium for a long time?最近忙什么呢?怎么不见你去健身... [查看全文]
史密斯: Excuse me,I want to ask you a question.麻烦了,有个问题想请教。大嘴: Please don’t mention it,I’ll... [查看全文]
Jim: I'm done in and must rest here.我累透了,必须在这休息一下。Bob: Why? We just walk 5km, and it is only ha... [查看全文]
大嘴: Did you watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince recently ?你最近看哈利波特与混血王子了吗?脸盆: Yeah , I ... [查看全文]