Jack: Rose loves me,she is leaving you.露丝爱我,她要离开你。Karl: But I love her so much.但我那么爱她。Jack: If you... [查看全文]
罗斯: Hey, Sue. Everything goes ok?嘿,苏,事情进展的怎么样?苏: I'll feel stupid. I even do not know how to co... [查看全文]
琳达: Hey,cathy. Did your husband make cooking for you?嘿,凯西。你老公给你做饭吗?凯西: Oh,please do not mention it ... [查看全文]
吉姆: Peter, I would like to ask you a question. You should give me a direct answer.皮特,我想问你个问题啊。你得直... [查看全文]
Joey: I have to accept their decision.瑞瑞,你真的不喜欢我吗?Rich: Of course not,you know I love you,as well as Ch... [查看全文]
苏菲: Scarlett,what do you want to do this weekend?斯嘉丽,周末打算做什么呢?斯嘉丽: I have no idea. Do you have any... [查看全文]
小S: Sister, I've seen your new moive called "On His Majesty’s Secret Service".姐,我看了你的新电影《大内密... [查看全文]
小费: Wudi, What are you doing?无敌,在干啥呢?无敌: President Fei, look, there are so many pretty girls.费总,你看,... [查看全文]
杉菜: Lei, you look tired, what's wrong with you?类,你看起来很累哦,怎么了?类: Nothing serious, I just stayed u... [查看全文]
林玉洁: Angels do not want to believe that human beings will be burnt to death angel crucified, then receded wh... [查看全文]