大嘴: Hi, how are you today? You seem to be very busy.嗨,你今天好么?看起来很忙啊。脸盆: No, I am just surfing on... [查看全文]
大嘴: Are there any blockbusters you’d like to recommend to us recently?最近有没有推荐的影片啊?脸盆: Hoo,I hear... [查看全文]
苏菲: Jingjing, have you seen the film, Sophie’s revenge?菁菁,你看电影《非常完美》了吗?王菁菁: Of course. Intern... [查看全文]
小混: Boss, look, the girl, on the opposite side of the street, is very nice.老大,你看,对面街那女的挺正的。老大: ... [查看全文]
女儿: Mum, I have something want to talk to you.妈,跟您商量个事?妈妈: What?什么事?女儿: I want to buy a notebook... [查看全文]
Jolin: May I speak to Coco, please?请问Coco在吗?Coco: Coco is speaking!我就是。Jolin: It’s me, Jolin. I want ... [查看全文]
约翰: David, do you know Lin Tao?大卫,你认识林涛吗?大卫: How could I forget him! He was my best friend in my c... [查看全文]
Ann: Bob, I want to do a test to you.鲍勃,我来考考你。Bob: Ok, go ahead.好的,来吧。Ann: Bob,do you know Sinopec... [查看全文]
大嘴: Hi, boy. You are studying so hard that you forgot something.嗨,老兄。你这么认真的学习啊,是不是忘记点事情了。脸... [查看全文]
大嘴: Can you give me a hand?能帮我一个忙么?脸盆: Sure, what happened?当然,发生什么了?大嘴: My little brother is a... [查看全文]